Learn About the Narcissist's Toxicity

Join Dr. Carter for his brand new course, Anger Games. Find tools to help you maintain steadiness in the midst of the narcissist's unsteadiness.

What's Included In This Course?

  • 5 modules, each with 5-6 unique lessons addressing the how and why of a narcissist’s style of conflict management

  • Each lesson is accompanied by a 10-12 minute video made by Dr. Carter

  • An extensive workbook with sections to accompany each lesson with guided questions concluding each lesson to individualize and apply your learnings

Three Roadblocks This Course Will Help You Overcome:

  • How and why narcissists are so inclined toward manipulative anger games when conflicts emerge

  • The inner turmoil their anger games creates within you

  • How you become susceptible to responding in ways that feed their schemes

Three Problems This Course Will Help Solve:

  • How to stay steady and objective when narcissists work overtime to bring out the worst in you

  • Developing a mindset that allows you to rise above the narcissist’s pettiness and chaos

  • Learning to live with “behavioral assertiveness” when your words are not received well

3 Questions the Course Will Help Answer:

  • What is the difference between healthy and unhealthy anger?

  • What’s going on behind the scenes that causes narcissists to be so toxic in the midst of disagreements?

  • When the narcissist won’t change or becomes worse over time, how can you find the resolve to resist their menacing ways?

Begin This Course Today!

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  • What is this course all about?

    Narcissists are defined by multiple unhealthy traits: raw selfishness, high need for control, false superiority, lack of empathy, alternate reality, and pathological defenses. They might temporarily succeed in hiding their pathology, but once conflict arises, you will experience their psychological immaturity in its fullest. In conflict, narcissists inevitably will play anger games. Your challenge will be to develop such a heightened awareness of their patterns that you will not be drawn in. Armed with keen insights and with hands-on tools for monitoring your reactions, you can resolve to rise above their unhealthiness. Even though the narcissist wants to be validated by eliciting your poor responses, you are under zero obligation to play along. We will focus on many tools to help you maintain steadiness in the midst of their unsteadiness.

  • Is this course self-paced or do I need to be available at specific times?

    Great question! This course is 100% self-paced so you can access the material on your own time and at your own speed.

  • Who is this course designed for?

    This course is designed for anyone who has had the misfortune of being the recipient of a narcissist’s projections and displacement. Narcissists do not have internal strength to draw upon, meaning they look outward (toward you) to fix their personal tension. You are not obliged to play the role assigned you, and this course will show you the way to distinctly independent initiatives. The insights from this course can be applied to marriage, extended family, social connections, organizations, work environments, and beyond.

  • How many modules, videos, lessons and hours are included in this course?

    This course consists of five distinct modules, each addressing a specific aspect of a narcissist’s anger games. The modules consist of 5-6 video lessons with each video being about 10-12 minutes. Each lesson is accompanied by an approximately 1500 word written format that follows the video closely. Part of the written format includes guided questions that will help you individualize the materials uniquely to your circumstances. In all, there is almost five hours of videos. It is crucial to understand that the lessons are more than just talking points, but designed for your individualized introspection and planning.

  • What if I sign up and decide this course is not for me?

    We understand that not every course is right for everyone. Refunds will only be offered for courses that have had 20% or less completed. Refunds will be prorated based on the amount completed. Purchases that are older than 3 months are not eligible for refunds. If you have questions about refunds, feel free to reach out to our team directly via email at [email protected]

Please note, the payment on your charge will show up as “InfluenceLogic”, a marketing company, so there will be no trace of this course for your controller to see on your billing statement.

Meet Your Teacher

Dr. Les Carter is a best selling author and therapist who has semi-retired to Waco, Texas. In the past 40+ years he has conducted more than 65,000 counseling sessions and many workshops and seminars.  He specializes in anger management and narcissistic personality disorder. In 2018 he founded the Surviving Narcissism YouTube channel and the Dr. Les Carter YouTube channel. His words: “In my history of conducting anger workshops, it became abundantly clear that self absorption, control cravings, and the lack of empathy were at the base of most interpersonal problems. So my therapeutic focus went deeper into the direction of understanding narcissism as a means of finding resolution to mood and relationship strains.” YouTube has provided the perfect platform for communicating his insights about narcissism. His goal is simple: explain narcissism and its powerful impact upon relationships, then offer alternatives for healthy living.

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the course!

    • Welcome to Anger Games

    • How to use this course

  • 2

    Module 1: Healthy And Unhealthy Anger

    • Lesson 1.1: Is It Ever Ok To Be Angry?

    • Lesson 1.2: A Narcissist’s Confusion Game

    • Lesson 1.3: A Narcissist’s Openly Aggressive Game

    • Lesson 1.4: The Brooding Passive Aggressive Game

    • Lesson 1.5: The Dehumanizing Game

    • Lesson 1.6: No Games, Just Clean Assertiveness

  • 3

    Module 2: The Reasons Narcissists Play Anger Games

    • Lesson 2.1: A Narcissist’s Hidden Neuroticism

    • Lesson 2.2: Narcissists Need You To Feel Unworthy

    • Lesson 2.3: How Narcissists Rationalize Their Anger Games

    • Lesson 2.4: A Narcissist’s Primitive Relating Style

    • Lesson 2.5: The False Self Demands Projection

  • 4

    Module 3: Ongoing Patterns Feeding A Narcissist’s Anger Games

    • Lesson 3.1: A Narcissist’s Longstanding Alternate Reality

    • Lesson 3.2: The Narcissist’s Pattern of Codependence

    • Lesson 3.3: When A Narcissist’s Pain Turns Into Bullying

    • Lesson 3.4: A Narcissist’s Pseudo Arrogance

    • Lesson 3.5: The Narcissist’s Secret Self-Loathing

    • Lesson 3.6: A Narcissist’s Thorough Confusion About Love

  • 5

    Module 4: Narcissists Need You To Believe You’re The Problem

    • Lesson 4.1: Narcissists Thrive On Your Bewilderment

    • Lesson 4.2: The Narcissist’s Trick Of Dark Empathy

    • Lesson 4.3: A Narcissist’s Game Of Blame Shifting

    • Lesson 4.4: Signs That You Have Fallen Into Defeat

    • Lesson 4.5: How Defensiveness Keeps Anger Alive

  • 6

    Module 5: Keys To Staying Out Of The Anger Games

    • Lesson 5.1: You Get To Be Free

    • Lesson 5.2: Self-Respect Overrides A Narcissist’s Disrespect

    • Lesson 5.3: Cleansing From A Narcissist’s Toxic Anger

    • Lesson 5.4: Calmness Is Everything

    • Lesson 5.5: Healthy Anger Arises From A Healthy Interior

  • 7

    Wrapping Up

    • Anger Games: Conclusion