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A message from Dr. Carter

New Pricing: $447 $350
This course will teach you how you can live free without becoming caught up in the narcissist’s endless mind games.

Here’s how and why I can make you this promise

Hello Friends,

If you’re in a difficult relationship, whether it be personal or in the workplace, does this sound familiar to you: 

The narcissist forgets or begrudges your free will. Everything must be their way. They must be in control. 

This leads to arguments, anger and anxiety. Maybe you feel like you are always on the defensive. 

If this sounds familiar with you then this will be the most important thing you read all year. 

Here’s why …

I’ve developed an exclusive course called Free to Be.

The narcissist wants to control your free will and keep you on their fixed agenda. This course will teach you how you can live free without becoming caught up in the narcissist’s endless mind games. 

My new course teaches you how to break the narcissist’s control so you can live free.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • End unproductive, go-nowhere arguments

  • End self-doubt and stop second-guessing your good decisions

  • Become a less-guarded, more relaxed and more authentic person

$447 $350


What are 3 problems this course will help solve?

  • Identifying the emotional strains associated with controlling relationships, then identifying how to manage those emotions cleanly.

  • Recognizing the why's of a controller's behaviors...aiding the student to become objective about relationship traps

  • Knowing how and when to set relationship boundaries.

What are 3 questions the course helps to answer?

  • Exactly what does it mean to be a free person?

  • How will my life change for the better as I become more calm, authentic, and confident in my responses to others' unwanted control?

  • What are the major psychological barriers to living a life of freedom, and how to I break through those barriers?

What are 3 roadblocks the course will help students overcome?

  • Fruitless debates

  • Circular offense/defense conversations

  • Hidden insecurities caused by an imposed agenda

  • Cautious, calculated thinking and communicating - (okay, that's 4)

Course Curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to Free to Be

    • Welcome to Free to Be

  • 2

    Module 1 - How Controllers Invite You Into Their Game

    • Lesson 1.1 - The Requirement of Conformity


    • Lesson 1.1 Questions

    • Lesson 1.2 - Blame and Shame

    • Lesson 1.2 Questions

    • Lesson 1.3 - Crooked Communication

    • Lesson 1.3 Questions

    • Lesson 1.4 - Defensive Posturing

    • Lesson 1.4 Questions

    • Lesson 1.5 - A Punishing Spirit

    • Lesson 1.5 Questions

    • Lesson 1.6 - Raw Selfishness

    • Lesson 1.6 Questions

    • Lesson 1.7 - Key Takeaways

    • Lesson 1.7 Questions

  • 3

    Module 2 - An Agenda Driven Life

    • Lesson 2.1 - An Agenda Driven Life

    • Lesson 2.1 Questions

    • Lesson 2.2 - When We Differ, Who Gets to Decide What's Next?

    • Lesson 2.2 Questions

    • Lesson 2.3 - Life is Not Always Black and White

    • Lesson 2.3 Questions

    • Lesson 2.4 - Here Comes the Justifications

    • Lesson 2.4 Questions

    • Lesson 2.5 - Listening to What Your Emotions Say About the Controllers Agenda

    • Lesson 2.5 Questions

    • Lesson 2.6 - The "I Refuse" Response to the Controller

    • Lesson 2.6 Questions

  • 4

    Module 3 - Seven Principles For A Life Of Freedom

    • Lesson 3.1 - 7 Principles for a Life of Freedom

    • Lesson 3.1 Questions

    • Lesson 3.2 - Freedom Principle #1: Intrapersonal Issues Take Priority Over Performances

    • Lesson 3.2 Questions

    • Lesson 3.3 - Freedom Principle #2: Uniqueness in Feelings, Thoughts and Perceptions are Inevitable

    • Lesson 3.3 Questions

    • Lesson 3.4 - Freedom Principle #3: Freedom Can Become a Path to Greater Order

    • Lesson 3.4 Questions

    • Lesson 3.5 - Freedom Principle #4: Mistakes and Weaknesses are Apart of Humanity

    • Lesson 3.5 Questions

    • Lesson 3.6 - Freedom Principle #5: Individuals Respond More Powerfully to Implied Messages Rather Than Spoken Words

    • Lesson 3.6 Questions

    • Lesson 3.7 - Freedom Principle #6: Smart Free People Understand That Each Choice is Followed by Consequences

    • Lesson 3.7 Questions

    • Lesson 3.8 - Freedom Principle #7: Patience is Given Priority Over a Demanding Attitude

    • Lesson 3.8 Questions

    • Lesson 3.9 - Summarizing the 7 Freedom Principles

    • Lesson 3.9 Questions

  • 5

    Module 4 - Who Do You Want To Be?

    • Lesson 4.1 - The Art of Unhooking From a Controller

    • Lesson 4.1 Questions

    • Lesson 4.2 - Breaking Out of the Trap of Emotional Dependence

    • Lesson 4.2 Questions

    • Lesson 4.3 - What Your Emotional Competence Leads To

    • Lesson 4.3 Questions

    • Lesson 4.4 - The Art of Delicate Detachment

    • Lesson 4.4 Questions

    • Lesson 4.5 - Contemplative Thinking

    • Lesson 4.5 Questions

    • Lesson 4.6 - Holding Steady with Calm Firmness

    • Lesson 4.6 Questions

  • 6

    Module 5 - The Controller’s Fear vs. Your Self-Trust

    • Lesson 5.1 - Why Do Controllers Feel the Need to Control?

    • Lesson 5.1 Questions

    • Lesson 5.2 - What Controllers Fear From You

    • Lesson 5.2 Questions

    • Lesson 5.3 - The Controllers Need for Your Deference

    • Lesson 5.3 - Questions

    • Lesson 5.4 - Psychological Laziness

    • Lesson 5.4 Questions

    • Lesson 5.5 - The Controllers Win/Lose Paradigm

    • Lesson 5.5 Questions

    • Lesson 5.6 - The Controllers Lack of Openness to New Ways

    • Lesson 5.6 Questions

  • 7

    Module 6 - Moving Forward With No Counter-Control Toward The Controller

    • Lesson 6.1 - Freedom and the Healthy Life

    • Lesson 6.1 Questions

    • Lesson 6.2 - Freedom Means Accepting What Is

    • Lesson 6.2 Questions

    • Lesson 6.3 - Authenticity is Crucial

    • Lesson 6.3 Questions

    • Lesson 6.4 - Freedom Leads to Influence

    • Lesson 6.4 Questions

    • Lesson 6.5 - Balanced Freedom Brings Meaning and Purpose

    • Lesson 6.5 Questions

  • 8

    Thank You for Completing Free to Be

    • Free to Be Wrap Up


  • What is this course all about?

    The central tension in any strained relationship is the struggle for control. Each person possesses a free will, something a controller either begrudges in others or forgets. This sets up the potential for anger, arguments, defensiveness, rebellion, anxiety, and power grabs. The "Free To Be" course teaches how each person can live with free will leading the way, without becoming ensnared by unhealthy control/counter-control games.

  • Is the course self-paced or do I need to be available for specific times?

    Great question! This course is 100% self-paced so you can access the material on your own time and at your own speed.

  • Who is this course specifically for?

    Adults trying to come to terms with controllers who wish to keep them on a fixed agenda. This could include marriage partners, adult children of controlling parents, siblings, those with an impossible boss, and those inside tightly managed organizations.

  • What can your audience expect inside the course itself? How many modules, lessons, videos, and hours?

    The course consists of six distinct modules, each addressing a particular topic. The modules consist of anywhere from 5-9 lessons. (About 38 in all.) The lessons are presented with a written format and a video accompanying each written lesson. Most video lessons are approximately seven minutes. In total the webinar features almost 5 hours of videos. The central feature of the webinar is the Personal Reflection questions at the end of each video. These questions guide the student toward personalized pragmatic applications drawn from each lesson. It is crucial to understand that the lessons are more than just talking points, but designed for individualized personal introspection.

  • What if this course is not right for me?

    We understand that not every course is right for everyone. Refunds will only be offered for courses that have had 20% or less completed. Refunds will be prorated based on the amount completed. Purchases that are older than 6 months are not eligible for refunds. If you have questions about refunds, feel free to reach out the Dr. Carter directly via email at [email protected]

Please note, the payment on your charge will show up as “InfluenceLogic”, a marketing company, so there will be no trace of this course for your controller to see on your billing statement.

Meet Your Instructor

Dr. Les Carter

Throughout his career as a therapist, Dr. Les Carter’s passion was working one on one with individuals in his counseling office. The son of an Army chaplain, who later worked in prison chaplaincy and mental health specialties, Les Carter had front-row experiences throughout his youth with programs touching the families of those who needed psychological assistance most. It was an easy decision for him to enter the field of psychotherapy when it was time to choose a career. He has a twin brother, Lee, who is a forensic psychologist in Waco, TX. The two brothers spend hours comparing notes and talking shop. In 1976 he completed his B.A. in Psychology at Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He then received his master’s degree at the University of North Texas, which was followed by earning a Ph.D. in Clinical Counseling at UNT. Upon completing his Ph. D., he joined the renowned Minirth-Meier Clinic in suburban Dallas, Texas, where he remained for 25 years. There he specialized in anger management, working with older adolescents and adults. Through those years he conducted many Anger Workshops and authored books about anger and other mood disorders. His Anger Workbook sold over 500,000 copies, and in all he authored or co-authored twenty books, with total sales in the millions. Various of those books have been translated into ten foreign languages. Along with the Minirth-Meier team he participated in about 3,000 radio broadcasts, mostly of the call-in talk show variety. In 2005, Dr. Carter co-founded the Southlake Psychiatric and Counseling Center in Southlake, Texas. He continued his counseling there and in his career logged over 65,000 counseling sessions. “I know it may seem strange,” he once explained, “but I prefer taking difficult cases because that’s where we find the highest potential for therapeutic growth.” He has a reputation as compassionate, firm, and uplifting. In 2018, he founded the Surviving Narcissism, which includes the Surviving Narcissism YouTube channel and the Dr. Les Carter YouTube channel (with over 85 million views). His words: “In my history of conducting anger workshops, it became abundantly clear that self absorption, control cravings, and the lack of empathy were at the base of most interpersonal problems. So my therapeutic focus went deeper into the direction of understanding narcissism as a means of finding resolution to mood and relationship strains.” In addition to this website and his YouTube channels, Dr. Carter provides insights about narcissism via his courses, webinars, podcasts, and more. His goal is simple: explain narcissism and its powerful impact upon relationships, then offer alternatives for healthy living.