Watch Intro Video

A message from Laura Charanza

This course will teach you how to free yourself emotionally and physically from a toxic relationship.

Here's how and why I can make you this promise

Are you in a toxic relationship that is emotionally and physically draining?

Are you thinking about leaving your narcissist but are unsure when the right time to do it is?

Are you afraid leaving will affect your kids and finances?

Are you worried you will never find true love again?

If you are struggling with these questions then I want to tell you about Girl Get Out, a course I personally developed that will show you how you can free yourself from this relationship without losing everything. 

Girl Get Out will show you:

  • How to safely leave and keep your kids, money, sanity and soul

  • How to emotionally break free and move on for good

  • How to start your journey to finding true love

Now, if you don’t know me I’m Laura Charanza. 

I'm a best-selling Author, Life Coach, and Speaker on narcissistic abuse recovery.

I learned the hard way: I suffered through 40-years of narcissistic abuse.

I grew up with a narcissistic parent, then married a narcissist and stayed with him for many years. Narcissists can’t really love or change, and I understand how the damage accumulates.

My journey led me to publish my book Ugly Love; A survivor’s Story of Narcissistic Abuse in October 2018. Ugly Love became an Amazon #1 New Release in the first 24 hours upon publication.

I’ve also worked with psychologists, physicians, spiritual healers, and life coaches to learn what it takes to identify the abuse and overcome the agony and insecurity. 

It’s this experience and training that has empowered me to help other men and women find their way to freedom, peace, and love.

In this course, I’ll share my hard-earned secrets about breaking trauma bonds and healing. 

I will teach you how to leave without losing your kids, money, sanity and soul.

This course is for anyone who is involved with a narcissist and wants to emotionally and physically leave and start a journey to true love.

By the end of the course you will be able to:

  • How to emotionally break free and move on for good

  • How to start your journey to finding true love

  • How to safely leave and keep your kids, money, sanity and soul

$299 $210

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What are 3 problems this course will help solve?

  • How to learn when it's time to go

  • How to recover emotionally and physically

  • How to help your kids be okay

What are 3 questions the course helps to answer?

  • Am I in a toxic relationship that is emotionally and physically draining?

  • How will this affect my kids and my finances?

  • Will I ever recover and find true love?

What are 3 roadblocks the course will help students overcome?

  • The fear of the future

  • The fear of breaking up the family unit and never finding love again

  • The fear of losing everything

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Thank you for registering!

    • Before you go...

    • Next steps

  • 2

    Module 1: Do I Stay or Do I Go?

    • Module 1 Introduction: Do I Stay or Do I Go?

    • Lesson 1.1 - Do I Stay or Do I Go?

    • Lesson 1.1 - Questions

    • Lesson 1.2 - What is Narcissism and What Does It Mean for Me?

    • Lesson 1.2 - Questions

    • Lesson 1.3 - What Does Loving a Narcissist Cost You?

    • Lesson 1.3 Questions

    • Lesson 1.4 - The Most Important Voice

    • Lesson 1.4 Questions

    • Lesson 1.5 - The Pressure We Feel

    • Lesson 1.5 Questions

  • 3

    Module 2: Decisions and Documentation

    • Module 2 Introduction: Decisions and Documentation

    • Lesson 2.1 - Paper It Up

    • Lesson 2.1 Questions

    • Lesson 2.2 - The Narcissist & Money - Check Your Balances

    • Lesson 2.2 Questions

    • Lesson 2.3 - Follow the Money Honey

    • Lesson 2.3 Questions

    • Lesson 2.4 - Forensic Accounting

    • Lesson 2.4 Questions

    • Lesson 2.5 - Your Support System

    • Lesson 2.5 Questions

    • Lesson 2.6 - Where Do You Go?

    • Lesson 2.6 Questions

    • Module 2 WORKBOOK

  • 4

    Module 3: Your Legal Strategy

    • Lesson 3.1 - Finding a Bulldog Who Knows When to Bite

    • Lesson 3.1 Questions

    • Lesson 3.2 - How to Save Money with an Attorney

    • Lesson 3.2 Questions

    • Lesson 3.3 - Types of Divorce

    • Lesson 3.3 Questions

    • Lesson 3.4 - Filing, Serving Papers, and Freezing Assets

    • Lesson 3.4 Questions

    • Lesson 3.5 - Dealing with the Narcissist During the Divorce

    • Lesson 3.5 Questions

    • Lesson 3.6 - What Type of Divorce Should You Choose?

    • Lesson 3.6 Questions

  • 5

    Module 4: Staying Safe from the Narcissist and Others’ Opinions

    • Lesson 4.1 - Who Do You Listen To?

    • Lesson 4.1 Questions

    • Lesson 4.2 - How Do You Deal with Friends and Family Members?

    • Lesson 4.2 Questions

    • Lesson 4.3 - Don't Let Your Faith Keep You Stuck

    • Lesson 4.3 Questions

    • Lesson 4.4 - Staying Safe During Your Exit

    • Lesson 4.4 Questions

  • 6

    Module 5: All About the Kids

    • Lesson 5.1 - All About the Kids

    • Lesson 5.1 Questions

    • Lesson 5.2 - What Kids Worry About Most During Divorce

    • Lesson 5.2 Questions

    • Lesson 5.3 - How To Co-Parent with a Narcissist

    • Lesson 5.3 Questions

    • Lesson 5.4 - Tips for the Transition

    • Lesson 5.4 Questions

    • Lesson 5.5 - Legally Protecting the Kids

    • Lesson 5.5 Questions

    • Lesson 5.6 - Last Words of Encouragement

    • Lesson 5.6 Questions

  • 7

    Module 6: The First Year; How to Heal and Move On

    • Lesson 6.1 - Buckle Up; Navigating the First Year

    • Lesson 6.1 Questions

    • Lesson 6.2 - Scrambled Egg Brain

    • Lesson 6.2 Questions

    • Lesson 6.3 - Trauma Bonds

    • Lesson 6.3 Questions

    • Lesson 6.4 - Steps to Break the Trauma Bonds

    • Lesson 6.4 Questions

    • Lesson 6.5 - What Do You Mean That I Have PTSD?

    • Lesson 6.5 Questions

    • Lesson 6.6 - Building Your Perfect Life

    • Lesson 6.6 Questions

  • 8

    Thank You For Completing Girl Get Out!

    • Remember. You Are Enough!


  • What is this course all about?

    How to free yourself emotionally and physically from a toxic relationship. Laura shares her hard-earned secrets about breaking trauma bonds and healing. Laura will teach you to leave without losing your kids, money, sanity and soul. What took Laura 5 years to learn, you can learn in a few short weeks. Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Is the course self-paced or do I need to be available for specific times?

    Great question! All of the content and recordings are available online so you can watch the webinars at your own pace on a schedule that works best for you.

  • Who is this course specifically for?

    This course is for anyone who is involved with a narcissist and wants to emotionally and physically leave and start a journey to true love.Address common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • What can your audience expect inside the course itself? How many modules, lessons, videos, and hours?

    This course will have six modules with a seventh live session devoted only to questions and answers. It's private coaching and small group coaching, all in one. Laura will teach this course live only once this year. Each class happens on Tuesday nights, from 7 until 8:30 p.m. CST for six weeks. We will wrap up the course with the live question and answer session during the 7th week. A PDF workbook for each lesson is included.

  • What if this course is not right for me?

    We understand that not every course is right for everyone. We will be providing a pro rated refund policy based on the amount of the course completed prior to the start of module 3's live session, minus a $15 refund fee. If you have questions about refunds, please contact [email protected]

Please note, the payment on your charge will show up as “InfluenceLogic”, a marketing company, so there will be no trace of this course for your controller to see on your billing statement.

Meet Your Instructor

Laura Charanza

Laura Charanza is a best-selling Author, Life Coach, and Speaker on narcissistic abuse recovery. Laura learned her experience the hard way, after suffering 40-years of narcissistic abuse. Laura grew up with a narcissistic parent, then married a narcissist and stayed with him for many years. Narcissists can’t really love or change, and Laura understands how the damage accumulates.